Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

21 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 41753
Author(s): Trombley, Justine L.
Title : The Text as Heretic: Mixed Genres and Polemical Techniques in a Refutation of the Mirror of Simple Souls
Source: Medieval Worlds , 7 ( 2018):  Pages 137 - 152. Available open access from the Austrian Academy of Sciences Press: https://medievalworlds.net/0xc1aa5576_0x00390b16.pdf.
Year of Publication: 2018.

2. Record Number: 29129
Author(s): Lahav, Rina,
Title : Marguerite Porete and the Predicament of her Preaching in Fourteenth-Century France
Source: Gender, Catholicism and Spirituality: Women and the Roman Catholic Church in Britain and Europe, 1200-1900.   Edited by Laurence Lux-Sterritt and Carmen M. Mangion .   Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. Medieval Worlds , 7 ( 2018):  Pages 38 - 50.
Year of Publication: 2011.

3. Record Number: 15803
Title : Gerson on Lay Devotion [Jean Gerson had a double view of excesses in religion. On the one hand, he took a tolerant view of the well-meaning excesses of lay people, believing they could be led to right practices. On the other, he feared those who arrogated to themselves unique insights despite their lack of training. This stricture applied both to women and to men like Jacques of Bingen. Gerson was capable of changing his mind, as when he withdrew support of Ermine of Reims. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source:   Edited by Brian Patrick McGuire Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition: A Series of handbooks and reference works on the intellectual and religious life of Europe, 500-1700, .   Brill, 2005. Medieval Worlds , 7 ( 2018):  Pages 131 - 145.
Year of Publication: 2005.

4. Record Number: 19629
Author(s): Chiti, Elisa
Title : Si cor sentit, hoc non est ipsa. Morte dello spirito e liberazione del cuore in Margherita Porete [Marguerite Porete believed the soul had to suffer successive deaths - to sin, to nature, and to the spirit - to achieve annhilation, being united with God. This last involved the loss of the individual will. Porete used Cistercian and Augustinian elements in her mystical writing, but she regarded the will as the obstacle to union with God. With it gone, true union was possible. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Micrologus: Natura, scienze e società medievali , 11., ( 2003):  Pages 305 - 323. Il cuore/The Heart
Year of Publication: 2003.

5. Record Number: 9509
Title : The Mirror and the Rose: Marguerite Porete's Encounter with the "Dieu d' Amours" [The author argues that Marguerite Porete's mysticism embodies a "mystique courtoise" which drew on vernacular love poetry and romances, specifically the "Roman de la Rose," to express the relationship between the soul and a loving God. Title note supplie
Source: The Vernacular Spirit: Essays on Medieval Religious Literature.   Edited by Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Duncan Robertson, and Nancy Bradley Warren .   The New Middle Ages series. Palgrave, 2002. Micrologus: Natura, scienze e società medievali , 11., ( 2003):  Pages 105 - 123.
Year of Publication: 2002.

6. Record Number: 5458
Author(s): Cré, Marleen.
Title : Women in the Charterhouse? Julian of Norwich's "Revelations of Divine Love" and Marguerite Porete's "Mirror of Simple Souls" in British Library, MS Additional 37790 [the author considers the presence of texts by Julian of Norwich and Marguerite Porete in an anthology of contemplative writings probably compiled by a Carthusian; the compiler had no interest in feminine spirituality but perhaps was attracted to their intense experiences of God].
Source: Writing Religious Women: Female Spiritual and Textual Practices in Late Medieval England.   Edited by Denis Renevey and Christiania Whitehead .   University of Toronto Press, 2000. Micrologus: Natura, scienze e società medievali , 11., ( 2003):  Pages 43 - 62.
Year of Publication: 2000.

7. Record Number: 3538
Author(s): Finke, Laurie A.
Title : More Than I Fynde Written: Dialogue and Power in the English Translation of "The Mirror of Simple Souls" [The author analyzes the fifteenth-century Middle English translation of Marguerite Porete's text; the translator struggled to give passages an orthodox interpretation].
Source: Performance and Transformation: New Approaches to Late Medieval Spirituality.   Edited by Mary A. Suydam and Joanna E. Ziegler .   St. Martin's Press, 1999. Micrologus: Natura, scienze e società medievali , 11., ( 2003):  Pages 47 - 67.
Year of Publication: 1999.

8. Record Number: 4385
Title : Speaking "In Propria Persona": Authorizing the Subject as a Political Act in Late Medieval Feminine Spirituality [The author examines the writings of Marguerite Porete, Christine de Pizan, and Margery Kempe to see how they speak in their own voice; when they encounter resistance, they reappropriate it and feminize it].
Source: New Trends in Feminine Spirituality: The Holy Women of Liège and Their Impact.   Edited by Juliette Dor, Lesley Johnson, and Jocelyn Wogan-Browne Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts, 2.   Brepols, 1999. Micrologus: Natura, scienze e società medievali , 11., ( 2003):  Pages 269 - 294.
Year of Publication: 1999.

9. Record Number: 5475
Author(s): Pereira, Michela.
Title : Margherita Porete nello specchio degli studi recenti [Marguerite Porete must be seen not only in the context of women's experience but of a time when philosophy surrendered the quest for wisdom in favor of the pursuit of "scientific" knowledge; Porete was also different from most beguines in deemphasizing passion, piety, and teaching others outside a restricted circle; the Latin translation of the "Mirror of Simple Souls" underlines this connection to the learned world; Porete's mysticism often is described as passive, but Pereira discerns an emphasis on just action usually identified with Meister Eckhart].
Source: Mediaevistik , 11., ( 1998):  Pages 71 - 96.
Year of Publication: 1998.

10. Record Number: 3566
Author(s): Maguire, Joanne.
Title : The Paradox of Unlikeness in Achard of St. Victor and Marguerite Porete [the author argues that comparing Marguerite's thought with that of Achard's points to a shift in theological currents; Achard believes humankind's unlikeness to God marks it for exile, while Marguerite sees the unlikeness to God as the soul's only hope for union with God].
Source: Magistra , 4., 1 (Summer 1998):  Pages 79 - 105.
Year of Publication: 1998.

11. Record Number: 2705
Author(s): Lachaussée, Geneviève.
Title : L'Influence du "Miroir des simples âmes anéanties" de Marguerite Porete sur la pensée de l'auteur anonyme du "Nuage d'inconnaissance" [Marguerite Porete's influence on the author of the "Cloud" is traced through five themes: desire and free will, renunciation, knowledge of God, the sinner, and salvation through Christ].
Source: Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales , 64., 2 ( 1997):  Pages 385 - 399.
Year of Publication: 1997.

12. Record Number: 3998
Author(s): Sargent, Michael G.,
Title : The Annihilation of Marguerite Porete
Source: Viator , 28., ( 1997):  Pages 253 - 279.
Year of Publication: 1997.

13. Record Number: 2551
Author(s): Muraro, Louisa.
Title : Le mirouer des simples ames de Marguerite Porete. Les avatars d'un titre [discusses the title change in the Chantilly manuscript, "Le Mirouer des simples ames aneanties et qui seulement demourent en vouloir et desir d'amour"].
Source: Ons Geestelijk Erf , 70., 1 (Maart 1996):  Pages 3 - 9.
Year of Publication: 1996.

14. Record Number: 1613
Author(s): Lichtmann, Maria.
Title : Marguerite Porete's "Mirror for Simple Souls": Inverted Reflection of Self, Society, and God
Source: Studia Mystica New Series , 16., 1 ( 1995):  Pages 4 - 29.
Year of Publication: 1995.

15. Record Number: 235
Author(s): Randall, Catharine.
Title : Person, Place, Perception: A Proposal for the Reading of Porete's "Miroir des ames simples et aneanties"
Source: Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies , 25., 2 (Spring 1995):  Pages 229 - 244.
Year of Publication: 1995.

16. Record Number: 5053
Title : De caelesti hierarchia and "Le mirouer des simples ames anienties": Chantilly, Musée Condé, Ms. F xiv 26 and Codex Vaticanus latinus 4355 [The author argues that the Latin translator of Marguerite Porete's "Miroir" was influenced by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite in translating a description of angels; From the twenty-second Saint Louis conference on manuscript studies].
Source: Manuscripta , 39., 3 (November 1995):  Pages 160 - 161.
Year of Publication: 1995.

17. Record Number: 3408
Author(s): Randall, Catharine (Coats).
Title : Changing Places: Marguerite Porete, Meister Eckhard, and the Question of Perspective
Source: Romanic Review , 85., 3 (May 1994):  Pages 341 - 360.
Year of Publication: 1994.

18. Record Number: 5515
Author(s): Lichtmann, Maria.
Title : Marguerite Porete and Meister Eckhart: The "Mirror of Simple Souls" Mirrored
Source: Meister Eckhart and the Beguine Mystics: Hadewijch of Brabant, Mechthild of Magdeburg, and Marguerite Porete.   Edited by Bernard McGinn .   Continuum, 1994. Romanic Review , 85., 3 (May 1994):  Pages 65 - 86.
Year of Publication: 1994.

19. Record Number: 5516
Author(s): Hollywood, Amy.
Title : Suffering Transformed: Marguerite Porete, Meister Eckhart, and the Problem of Women's Spirituality [the author argues that both Porete and Eckhart questioned the value of asceticism, mystical phenomena, and visionary experiences, all associated with women's spirituality; they favored instead a move toward detachment and sought to relieve religious women's suffering].
Source: Meister Eckhart and the Beguine Mystics: Hadewijch of Brabant, Mechthild of Magdeburg, and Marguerite Porete.   Edited by Bernard McGinn .   Continuum, 1994. Romanic Review , 85., 3 (May 1994):  Pages 87 - 113.
Year of Publication: 1994.

20. Record Number: 5517
Author(s): Sells, Michael.
Title : The Pseudo-Woman and the Meister: "Unsaying" and Essentialism ["In this essay, I will focus on the concept of the 'work' of the divine, first in Porete, then in Eckhart. I will examine how in each author the conception of the divine work is central to the destabilizing of essentialist notions of deity, of humanity, and of gender (in both the divine and the human realms). I will suggest that it is within the theme of the divine work in the world that the conversation between Eckhart and Porete's mystical languages is at its deepest. The essay will close with some questions concerning the relationship of the standard categories of male writer and female writer to two major writers (and schools) that differ so radically from such categories" (Pages 116-117)].
Source: Meister Eckhart and the Beguine Mystics: Hadewijch of Brabant, Mechthild of Magdeburg, and Marguerite Porete.   Edited by Bernard McGinn .   Continuum, 1994. Romanic Review , 85., 3 (May 1994):  Pages 114 - 146.
Year of Publication: 1994.

21. Record Number: 1640
Title : Writing as Mirror in the Work of Marguerite Porete
Source: Mystics Quarterly , 20., 3 (September 1994):  Pages 105 - 112.
Year of Publication: 1994.